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walimex pro panel reflector con cubiertas de luz
walimex pro panel reflector con cubiertas de luz
walimex pro panel reflector con cubiertas de luz
walimex pro panel reflector con cubiertas de luz

walimex pro panel reflector con cubiertas de luz

  • Marcawalimex pro
  • Tipopanel reflector
  • MPN18603
  • EAN4250234586030
  • Artikelnr.351907070115
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Reflector panel and diffuser in one The Reflector Panel by Walimex pro is ideal for brightening motif areas that are in the shadow. The wavy golden cover color is ideal for a warmer light mood. The diffuser cover makes the light diffuser and prevents hard shadows. The barn doors allow an exact direction of light. The reflector panel is well-suited for all areas of photography. Ideal for outdoor and studio photography The aluminum frame of the reflector panel is equipped with three foam grips. The grab bar is also equipped with a foam handle.  This ensures a comfort of use even when holding the panel for a longer period of time. The reflector panel can be taken apart into a compact size and be stored in its transport bag. This makes it ideal for studio and ou.

Auf dieser Seite findest Du Artikel der Marken LIFE of PHOTO, Walimex, walimex pro, Bresser und proxistar.

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